Friday, February 11, 2011

Faithful God- Gateway Worship

     I have just decided that the title of my posts through this adventure will be the song that is either humming in my heart or playing on my itunes when I start my blog. Currently, the song is Faithful God by Gateway Worship, shared with me by my cousin, Joy Caldwell, whom I love dearly.  : )
     I am beginning to feel overwhelmed by my emotions as my departure date inches closer everyday. These emotions include Excitement for Huge Adventure, Nervousness about the transition, Sadness about leaving my home, church, and family, Anxiety about traveling for two days around the world by myself, Joy at the thought of being obedient and following God to New Zealand, Gratitude for the prayer commitments, unexpected financial support, and love from my friends and family.
     I am getting to the point where one emotion can easily slip into any other emotion, and for those of you who know me well, you know that tears can come for me at beautiful moments as well as hard moments. Although I am not embarrassed by my tears (I know some of you are smiling because you read line), I am already feeling tired from the emotional transitions!
Please pray that God stabilizes my emotions while I travel.
Please pray that I make all my connections and arrive in Wellington with all my luggage.
Please pray that there are Dairy-Free options on the plane for me to eat.
Please pray that God would open my heart to hear his voice more clearly.

I'm so thankful for anyone that reads this. Know that I'm praying for you and I celebrate our relationship!
Love and Peace and Grace to you!

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