Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"Airplanes" Ellen Degeneres (it's stand-up comedy. You should listen to it)

Hello Friends,
   It's good to be writing you. I've been in New Zealand just under a week, and all the things to process and take in are a bit overwhelming. Every night before I go to bed, I try to journal about my day, but it is always difficult to select which events or conversations to process and which to save for another day. I figured I could start out with some basics:
   I live with Doug and Liz Pa'u. They are Samoan. They have four children. Their oldest, two sons, do not live at home. Their youngest, two girls, live at the house with me. Their names are Gabrielle, 23, and Abby, 21. I have never felt so welcomed or at peace within a family besides my own. Gabrielle, Abby, and I share a lot of common interests in music/movies etc. The whole family welcomes all the questions I have about New Zealand culture, Pacific Islander culture, the church, shopping malls, culturally appropriate statements, food, and anything else I can think to ask. God has provided SUCH a BEAUTIFUL home for me. Praise God!
   Doug is the pastor of the church next door, and his wife Liz runs most of the youth group activities. I will be the youth intern for the next ten months, helping Liz a lot and spending 2-3 days a week working at the church. I met the youth group last night for the first time, and I love them already. We have about 20 students ranging from ages 11-17. They are so open, and they were so welcoming. One of the youth volunteers, Isaac, found out that I play Ultimate Frisbee. He asked me to come play on his team today at 5:30- I'm so excited!
   I am also working for a company called Ignite Sport. The goal of Ignite Sport is to mentor and direct athletes in the high schools around Wellington. Through this opportunity, I may be coaching a girls soccer team at NaeNae College. (In NZ, high schools are called colleges) (Nae is pronounced like 'Nye')The colleges have Sports Administrators which handle all the administration of all the sports teams including schedules/games/paperwork etc. This means that my job would strictly be coaching on the field at practice and at games. AWESOME! I'm excited about this opportunity, but it is not certain yet. I meet with Liz and Kevin (the owner of Ignite) to discuss my schedule for the next several months.
    Until we have wireless internet at the Pa'us, my updates will be a bit sporadic because I have to be sensitive to the schedules of everyone else in the home. (The computer is located in Doug and Liz's bedroom, so there are obvious reasons for sensitive scheduling) : )
   Tomorrow I work with Ignite at a track and field event- I'm so excited! It is an event for all those who have handicaps, whether mental or physical, in the local colleges to compete. Something interesting I've discovered in New Zealand is their respect for sports like Tennis, Track & Field, Water Polo, and Cross Country. These are sports we typically overlook in the US. It's very interesting to see such enthusiasm for a Long Jump or a Tennis Match. The top sports in New Zealand, however, are Rugby, NetBall, and Cricket.. none of which I have any knowledge about. I'm having to learn quickly!
   Know that God is being good to me, providing anything and everything I need, and surrounding me with people who are loving me well. I know this post was pretty long, but I just wanted to give you an idea of what my time here will be structured by.
   My thoughts and prayers are with my family and friends back home. Please pray for the families still in Christ Church, New Zealand. The earthquake has really devastated the entire city. Love to you all!


  1. oh, just reading your words makes me smile because i can so see you assimilating to life with your family. your love for others, for every situation you are in is so infectious. you oooze the Heavenly Father!! {in a good way}
    keep those updates coming and don't be afraid to write… it's such a great thing. thanks for bringing me along to new zealand. i feel like i'm right there beside you. and i am. praying for you pua!

  2. Pua, so excited for yu. I love the email and the blog. New Zealand is a beautiful country and I had hoped to go there some day. I'm praying for all your new adventures and that you won't be too "home feeling". That is different than homesick, it is a feeling of longing and love of what yu left behind. An excitment of what you left behind but mixed with the excitment of what is to come. Please don't feel you have to answer me, I just want yu to realize I'm here enjoying what you are doing and praying for yu every day.
    Love, Joyce Drischler
    By the way it is cold and damp here. Hope you are in sunshine.
